Baby Dedication Information

Baby Dedication INFORMATION

Because First Baptist Church practices believers’ baptism, we do not baptize babies. Instead, parents may choose to have their baby dedicated.

Why should my baby be dedicated?

 We dedicate babies at First Baptist Church as a promise to God that there is a commitment from the parent(s) and the church family to raise the child in the knowledge and love of the Lord.

What happens during the dedication?

Babies are dedicated at First Baptist Church during the Sunday morning worship service. During the time of dedication, the parent(s) and child, along with any other immediate family members in attendance, are invited to come to the front of the sanctuary.

The pastor will offer a call to the parent(s) and the congregation as to what their responsibility is for the child, according to scripture. This is followed by an introduction of the child to the congregation and a prayer of dedication for the family and child.

Church Services

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